Meal Plan Options

住在宿舍的学生需要每季度购买一份季度计划. 住在校园宿舍和公寓(CHA)的学生可以选择季度街区计划, Block 25, or Block 50. 因为选择取决于你住在哪里, 你将在收到你的作业后做出你的选择.


所有学生均可参加. 阿内特,阿什顿,爱默生,希尔和莫耶宿舍的居民需要.

每个计划给你每个季度特定的用餐次数 Gwinn Commons or at Simply to Go retail locations. 您还将收到一定数量的用餐美元,每个季度在任何一家 校园用餐地点. 你吃的饭越多,你需要的饭钱就越少.

 Plan Description   Dining Dollars
(per quarter)
Cost (24-25)
(per quarter) 
 Quarterly Block 200  每季度200餐  $275  $2,448
 Quarterly Block 150  每季150餐  $200  $2,379
 Quarterly Block 100  100 meals per quarter  $125  $2,313


Plan features

  • 所有的餐费都由公司支付 在本季度开始的时候. 未使用的餐食在季度末过期.
  • A meal is considered 格温公园的入口或 Simply to Go 在零售场所用餐.
  • There is no limit on the number of meals used per day in Gwinn; there is a limit of five Simply to Go meals per day.
  • Meals can be used 供学生或客人使用!
  • Dining Dollars 按季度滚动,但不要按年滚动.
  • Meal Plan changes 是否在下一个季度的最后三周内被接受.

Per-purchase plans


每个计划给你每个季度特定的用餐次数 Gwinn Commons or at Simply to Go retail locations. 

Plan  Description  Cost (24-25)
(per purchase)
 Block 25  共有25个入口进入Gwinn Commons
Simply to Go meals at retail locations. 外加25美元餐费.
 Block 50  共有50个入口进入Gwinn Commons和
Simply to Go meals at retail locations. 外加50元餐费.

Plan features

  • Unused meals 从季度到季度,从年到年,直到毕业或从大学退学, 届时,他们将被没收.
  • Block 25和Block 50平面图 do not automatically renew; additional plans may be purchased as needed.
  • There is no limit on the number of meals used per day in Gwinn; there is a limit of five Simply to Go meals per day.
  • Meals can be used 供学生或客人使用.

Falcon Funds

补充你的Block 25或Block 50计划, 或者如果你的季度套餐用餐钱用完了, you can purchase Falcon FundsSPU的校园货币. 猎鹰基金可用于在所有校园餐饮地点购买食品(免税).

Balance information

膳食计划余额可通过下载GET移动应用程序获得, which allows you to track your plan from your smartphone; via the Falcon Card Services website; or from the cashier.

Dietary needs

如果您有特殊的饮食或食物过敏,请在您的住房申请中注明. 请求将被审查并转发给相应的办公室. 行政总厨和餐饮服务经理也可以讨论满足您需求的选择.

所有餐点都提供素食和纯素食的选择. 饮食需求不能被餐饮服务满足的学生应考虑住在校园公寓, 不需要膳食计划的地方.

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