



2016年毕业典礼, 上海科技大学开始了125周年校庆, 这将持续到2016-17学年. Attendees viewed a “through the decades” slideshow highlighting key moments in SPU history. 此外,丹尼尔J. 马丁向毕业生和他们的家人介绍了庆祝活动.

SPU还推出了特价 125周年纪念网站 that features historical photos, 125th events, and other items related to the festivities.

6月17-18日, 西雅图 Pacific hosted the Pacific Northwest (Free Methodist) Conference Leadership Summit. This event presented a unique opportunity to honor the vital partnership between the PNWC and SPU.

在周五, 6月17日, Free Methodist 牧师 and delegates around the Northwest joined with SPU officials in First Free Methodist Church for a worship celebration to commemorate the many ways that these two communities have supported and enriched each other for more than a century.


会计学教授罗斯·斯图尔特, 谁作为一名教师和学者为西雅图州立大学社区服务了30年, 开始了新的任命,担任院长 商业、政府和经济学院 4月1日. 斯图尔特在2015-16学年的大部分时间里担任临时院长.


Autumn Quarter saw 4,175 students enrolled at 西雅图 Pacific (3,202 of them undergraduates). 学生 hailed from across the country and as far away as South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil. 在60个专业中, 五个最受欢迎的专业是心理学, 护理, 工商管理, 政治科学, 和生理学.


玛格丽特·布朗被任命为董事会的新董事 奖学金和教师发展中心 以及特别项目助理教务长,从6月1日开始. 过去的14年, Brown has served 西雅图 Pacific as a professor in the Department of Psychology; for seven of those years she was the department chair.


Through the hard work of Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Cindy Price (and her team), with an able assist from Senior Vice President for Planning and Administration Don Mortenson, 大学进行了第七年的评审访问. 有几个推荐和表彰, University was reaffirmed for accreditation through NWCCU (Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities). This result is a reflection of the strong work around 评估 done in schools and departments across campus.

SPU排名No. “最佳价值”2分

爪子在SPU广告牌前 好的赌博软件推荐排名第1. 在美国西部“最佳大学-最具价值”一项中排名第二 U.S. 好的赌博软件推荐 & 世界报道2016年大学排名. U.S. 好的赌博软件推荐 states that the calculation takes into account an institution’s academic quality, 正如其2016年所示 U.S. 好的赌博软件推荐 最佳大学排名,和 2014–15 net cost of attendance for a student who received the average level of need-based financial aid. 节目质量越高,成本越低, 价值越高, 根据杂志. 好的赌博软件推荐也排名第一. 在该杂志的“最佳地区大学”类别中排名第17位, which included institutions from Texas to Alaska that provide a full range of undergraduate and master’s programs, 以及有限的博士课程.


Katy Tangenberg is the new dean for the 心理学院,家庭, and 社区. She earned her PhD in social welfare from the University of Washington and comes to SPU from Azusa Pacific University, 她在那里担任一年级学生体验主任. 在她的终身教职中担任社会工作教授, Tangenberg also served as graduate department chair and program director — where she was responsible for developing APU’s master of social work program — and as associate dean of the School of Behavioral and Applied 科学. 她有丰富的课程监督工作经验, 评估, 格兰特写作, and student life and campus ministries offices on academic and co-curricular integration. Tangenberg于7月1日开始担任SPFC主任一职.


9月3日, 2015, SPU became the first university and fifth overall recipient of King County’s annual Executive’s Award for 社区 Preparedness. King County Executive Dow Constantine presented the award to 西雅图 Pacific to honor the University’s years of emergency planning. “President Martin and his staff have worked for many years to build a campuswide culture of preparedness, 一个致力于这里每一个人的安全的人.” He praised the University’s “whole community” approach to preparing for emergencies, 说SPU的计划为该地区的其他国家提供了一个效仿的榜样. 斯坦福大学校长丹·马丁代表该校接受了这一奖项 安全与安保办公室 以及其他校园应急计划和响应小组. 


Nickerson工作室Nickerson工作室, 以前是一家武术工作室和海洋设备公司的所在地, 秋季开学, 设有SPU音乐项目的第一个校园表演空间. 它有一个录音室, 音乐技术实验室, 两个小合奏室, 录音室, 还有鼓室, 还有教师办公室和一个小型排练场地. The new choral and recital space seats around 100 listeners for small-group performances, 房间里不显眼的24通道录音系统可以捕捉到每一个音符.



去年秋天, 贝基·阿内特·吉列姆 ’80 became the fifth recipient of SPU的 President’s Award for Philanthropy. 2014年,成功的投资者和领导者吉列姆承诺投资2美元.5 million — the University’s single largest current gift — to renovate Alexander Hall. “我无法想象这是一个更大的荣誉,”吉列姆说.

她把这归功于自己在好的赌博软件推荐的教育和在宿舍的经历, 培养了她的基督教信仰和求知欲, 感谢她的成功.


大学成立 SPULink这是一个由好的赌博软件推荐赞助的新的招聘和社交工具 职业和职业中心, 学生就业办公室, 约翰·珀金斯中心,和 校友及家长关系办公室. SPULink connects students and alumni with individuals and organizations to streamline a host of career and vocation services, 资源, 和机会.


A “social entrepreneur” is an organization or a person whose main goal is to improve society, 不能带来商业利润. SPU的 圣经和神学教育中心 has launched a program in Christian social entrepreneurship that aims to equip 教堂 and para教堂 leaders with business and theological principles to pursue social good in an economically sustainable way. “We’re hoping to meet a need for those in the 教堂 who realize that the way we do 教堂 needs to change, and to give them a comprehensive vision for what a holistic approach to ‘business as mission’ might look like,项目主管马特·西格勒说. 学生 in SPU的 program spent two weeks on campus during the summer of 2016 learning business and theological principles. 当新的企业家回到他们的家乡时, SPU-affiliated mentors support them for a year while they develop business plans, 以传播基于信仰的社会变革为目标.


学者, 牧师, and entrepreneurs came together at 好的赌博软件推荐 in late October to brainstorm ways to transform theological education to appeal to 今天’s 教堂. 通过演讲和小组讨论, invited attendees at the “Equipping 信仰ful Leaders” conference discussed ways theological education can renew 教堂es and adjust to changing cultural dynamics. Kenda Creasy Dean, 联合卫理公会牧师和青年教授, 教堂, 以及普林斯顿神学院的文化, 就千禧一代的精神需求发表主题演讲. The conference gathered about 75 professors and 牧师 from 教堂es and schools in the Pacific Northwest and around the country.


神学院收到了600美元的拨款,从礼来捐赠基金筹集了1000万来建立沉浸公司, 好的赌博软件推荐青年门徒学院. This new intensive experience will bring high school students to campus and then reunite them for a follow-up retreat at Camp Casey. 沉浸帮助学生在他们作为基督徒的身份深入成长.

学生 will experience components of identity formation through classroom instruction from theology faculty, 敬拜:敬拜和其他精神训练的实践, 现场情境应用的信仰,以当代现实世界的问题, 小型和大型团体社区建设, 以及太平洋西北部独有的娱乐机会. 补助金为期四年.

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