术语是什么? “社会企业” 的意思是?

Social venture is a term used to describe entrepreneurial activities that address two bottom lines: social and financial. 一个社会企业开发一个项目, 组织, or business that addresses a felt social need and provides sustainable revenue to do so.



  • FareStart in Seattle trains homeless persons to become chefs and kitchen 工作人员. It operates as a typical restaurant but its purpose is to train homeless persons for work.
  • An inter国家 example of a project comes from the University of Washington’s Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition, where a winning team from Korea proposed a project to manufacture self-powered, 在蒙古农村使用的手摇调幅收音机.
  • Krochet孩子 在美国销售帽子.S. 由贫穷国家的人制作的.g.乌干达). This provides jobs, education, and business training for families in these communities.

What is a social venture plan, and how does it fit into this competition? 

A social venture plan is a systematic way of evaluating, planning, and organizing a project. For this competition, 学生 开发 their written plan based on the 社会企业规划模板. Readers from the community evaluate the plans, rate them, and assign points.

Later, student competitors present their projects at a table display event called the Showcase Round. Here they pitch their project and its benefits in conversations with official Judges and other visitors. Judges allocate points to their favorite teams, while visitors can vote for their favorite project. We combine scores from the Readers of the written social venture plans with scores from the Judges during the Showcase Round. Those projects with the highest cumulative point totals will earn prizes. 获得全体教员投票最多的项目, 工作人员, 学生, and other visitors to the Showcase will receive the People’s Choice award.


赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励学生组成团队. 制定一个好的计划需要大量的头脑风暴, 研究, and writing; it’s a big effort and having more people will make it more manageable. 除了, the Showcase is a multi-hour event and teams are better able to manage and respond to inquiries from the high volume of 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 以及在此期间来访的法官.

We encourage 学生 to work together and seek teammates with a variety of skills from different disciplines; we recommend that at least two 学生 represent each project. 每队最多可有六名学生.


从历史上看, about half of the 学生 who participate in the SVPC each year are Business Administration or Inter国家 Sustainable Development majors. 然而, 许多其他学科也参与其中, 包括会计专业的学生, 服装设计, 生物学, 通信, 经济学, 教育部门, 工程, 政治科学, 心理学, 社会正义与文化研究, 仅举几个例子.

Is the competition open only to SPU 学生, or can 学生 from other universities also enter?

Students from other schools can, and have, entered the 社会创业计划比赛. Some teams have even been comprised of 学生 from several schools.


Are you a student with an idea to bring a valuable service or product to people who don’t typically have access to it? Do you have a device that could be adapted for underserved communities? Have you come up with an idea of how to use an underused resource for social good? Do you have a business idea that could raise money to fund positive change? 那么你应该参加社会创业计划竞赛!

The competition exists for any student interested in implementing an innovative project that would address a social need. We offer an opportunity to 开发 your idea and present it to people who may be able to help you launch your project.

Not all 学生 who enter the SVPC intend to launch their business idea. 没关系! The competition provides an opportunity to learn more about business planning, 探索社会问题, 与外部专业人士建立联系, 同时学习有价值的技能.


We offer a 2-credit course (BUS 3682) that walks 学生 through the steps of creating a social venture plan. By the end of the course, 学生 should have a draft of their written social venture plan. Experts in specific aspects of venture planning make short presentations during the course, and then work with teams to apply the concepts that have been presented.


就所处理的社会需要而言,项目可能非常多样化, 提供的产品或服务, 或者组织战略. 要有创意! 以下是一些示例类别:

  • Nonprofits that sell goods and services to address a social need (e.g., farestart.org).
  • B-corps or other for-profit businesses with a social impact component (e.g., miir.com). 
  • 外联或事工组织-地方, 国家, or global — that also generate revenue through selling goods and services (e.g., rainierhealth.com).
  • Companies that 开发 engineering devices to address a social good (e.g., 启动.org).
  • 将科学研究导向社会目的的事业.g., benetech.org).
  • 将利润用于满足社会需求的企业.g., bombas).
  • 向发展中国家转让技术的组织(例如.g., www.路径.org).


赌博十大靠谱软件的主要目标是帮助SPU学生学习如何评估, 创建, 开发, 创办一家满足社会需求的企业. 商业计划技能的发展是至关重要的. Second, we seek to identify 学生 who possess an entrepreneurial nature and cultivate their gifts. 第三, we want the event to highlight innovative projects and the creative 学生 behind them to community leaders in nonprofit and for-profit 组织s. The competition provides 学生 with an opportunity to network with potential investors, 顾问, 导师, 企业高管, 以及其他社区领袖.



  • The significance of the social need being addressed and the likelihood that the plan, 如果实现的话, 会对这个社会问题产生可衡量的影响吗.
  • 计划成功实施的可能性, 包括项目的整体财务可行性.
  • 计划的书面和口头陈述的质量.

Internal revenue generation will have a greater value in the scoring than grants and contributions as a sustainable income stream.


赫伯特·B. 琼斯大奖是1万美元. There is also a $5,000 runner-up prize and three honorable mentions at $2,500. 唐纳德·B. 萨默斯人民选择奖是1500美元. We attach no strings to the prize money, so winners may use the funds as they wish. 奖金被视为应税收入.


欲知详情,请浏览 2024年官方规则,请联系应用学习中心 cal@angelautotires.net,或查阅以下资源:

  • 分数提供了 教程 制定一个计划,尤其是在财务方面. 本网站包括商业计划样本的链接.
  • 美国.S. Small Business Association has advice on how to write a business plan 在他们的网站.
  • 一个企业的案例研究 其中包括由业主制定的商业计划. 由长期担任SBGE教师的Dr. 草Kierulff.
  • 华盛顿大学的网站 邓普西创业大赛.
" class="hidden">e度教育网